If you’re on the hunt for the best Google Ads agency to manage and scale your Google Ads account, you’ll want to know what defines a good agency. There are 3 things to keep in mind which will reduce the chances of signing up with the wrong team.
This isn’t a perfect method but definitely helps us when we’re looking for agencies to work with. Full disclosure – we’re going to try be as unbiased as possible. But keep in mind that we’re a Google Ads agency too!
3 Tips to Find the Best Google Ads Agency
1. Results, Case Studies, Video Testimonials
So when choosing an agency to work with, you might realize that there are a lot of churn and burn companies out there. This basically means they’re either using black hat methods or using tactics that deliver short-term benefits (but may hurt you in the long run).
There are also people who don’t really know what they’re doing, and are learning on your dime. In other words, they’re just trying to lock you into a contract and ultimately under-deliver. Then you part ways, costing you time a ton of money and a lot of wasted time.
You can avoid these kinds of companies by looking for PROOF they know what they’re doing. The most reliable thing to look out for is video testimonials from their previous and current clients.

If a business owner they worked with is willing to get on video and say how great this supposed best Google Ads agency were, that’s a lot harder to fake than text testimonials. If they don’t have any video testimonials, then look at their case studies or previous results for proof of their skills.
You should always avoid agencies that have no real proof that they can achieve the results you want and are instead just promising the world while offering a low price. They’re just interested in making a quick buck and won’t benefit your business.
2. Red Flags to Look For when Choosing an Agency
Just like there are things which make a Google Ads agency appealing, there are things about an agency that should be avoided. Some things that are usually red flags are:
- Are their fees extraordinarily high or extraordinarily low without much proof of past performance?
- Do they guarantee a lift in conversions or a guaranteed revenue increase?
- Do they have an unreasonable cancellation clause like paying a 3-month retainer for early termination?
The biggest red flag I see is when an agency guarantees they can make you X amount of dollars or increase your conversion rate by X amount.
Why Guarantees Are Bad
First off, unless the agency has a crystal ball that enables them to make this type of guarantee, they’re bluffing. It’s impossible to guarantee that a specific result will come from paid advertising.
The environment can literally change on a daily basis. Search volumes drop and spike without good reason, competitors adjust their budget, and a hundred other factors that are outside of our control.
So, an agency guaranteeing you results is merely a way of getting you to start working with them. And you might think “Well, worst case scenario I can just get my money back”, this isn’t always possible. But even if it is, they’ve already wasted a month (or more) of your ad budget and a huge amount of time. Neither of these things will come with the refund.
In the past when we’ve seen agencies who offer these guarantees in action. Here’s how it usually plays out. Either they try to persuade the client that they’ll work for free to fix the poor performance, or they’ll flat out ghost the client.
So now we’re in a position where an unskilled and inexperienced agency has successfully tricked a business owner into signing up with a false guarantee, and that client is now out of a lot money and wasted time. Don’t fall for this false promise.
The best Google Ads agency won’t offer you a guarantee. The fact is, things can and most likely will go wrong – it’s something that can’t be avoided. Top agencies will counter obstacles the best they can, but it’s a process that takes time. Only time can yield the results your business needs, not a guarantee.
3. Get an Audit First, Even if You Have to Pay
One of the best ways to know if the Google Ads agency you’re thinking about working with is the right one, is to get them to do an audit of your existing ad accounts.
Some agencies will charge for this, others will do this for free. It really depends on how much work is involved.
This way you can get a real idea of what they would actually do if they were to take over your Google Ads management.

However, be on the lookout for some fully auto-generated reports. These are pretty easy to spot. Generated reports don’t really offer customized advice for your business and usually just run through a series of checks.
What you’re looking for is a real human written report, with some software checks in place, and suggestions on what should be done better specifically for your account niche.
Hopefully your journey to find the best Google Ads agency isn’t too stressful. After all, the purpose of finding the right agency is so that they can make your life easier.
All of the tips we’ve given you above will aide this search. But even so, you might not find the right agency for your business.
At KonvertLab, we’re confident in our ability to consistently deliver great results from Google Ads campaigns, and we can do this for your business too!
All that’s left is for you to book a meeting with our team, at a convenient time for you, where we can dive into the ways we can benefit your business’s marketing.