How to Install Unbounce Tracking (2022 Guide)

If you’re running any type of paid ads campaign then setting up Unbounce tracking is going to greatly benefit you. When we review new clients’ campaigns this is by far one of the most common mistakes we see them making. It’s a small one, but not properly setting up tracking for your landing pages will be a huge headache in the long run.

Unbounce is a popular landing page A/B testing tool and if you aren’t using it for your landing pages, it’s definitely something we’d recommend giving a shot.

Whether you’re running Facebook Ads or Google Ads, customers always end up on your landing page and being able to track them through your sales funnel gives you a lot more insights to improve your campaign.

So, without further ado, let’s look at how to set up Unbounce tracking.

Why Set Up Google Tag Manager Tracking in Unbounce?

Efficiency – that’s what it all comes down to. Using Google Tag Manager alongside your Unbounce landing pages will save you a lot of time and hassle.

The chances are that if you’re tracking your landing pages already but you aren’t using Google Tag Manager, you’re spending a good chunk of time putting tracking codes together/writing scripts. You don’t need to do this.

With Gooogle Tag Manager, you connect all your platforms to one place so that you only have to use one tracking code. There’s no need to repeatedly go through this hassle every single time you want to start tracking a new platform.

For Unbounce specifically, tracking has huge advantages:

  • No need to set up tracking codes on every individual landing page you create.
  • Viewing tracking data for specific landing pages is simple due to how organized Google Tag Manager is.
  • Takes less than 2 minutes to set up while saving hours of future headaches.

There really is nothing but benefits and if you follow the guide ahead, you’ll be able to get a more in-depth understanding of where your landing pages are failing and how to improve your conversion rate.

Setting Up Unbounce Tracking

The first thing you need to do is sign in to your Unbounce account and go to the main dashboard. Here you can see all of the landing pages you’ve created. Simply designing them up isn’t enough – we want to be able to track them.

Unbounce Tracking Dashboard
Unbounce Script Manager

To set up our Unbounce tracking we need to add a new script. To do this, click on theĀ SettingsĀ drop-down menu and selectĀ Script Manager.

Once you’re on theĀ Script ManagerĀ page, you can see all the scripts that have been added to your account.

Ideally, you’ll want to use a Google Tag Manager script. If you don’t already have Google Tag Manager set up, check out our YouTube videoĀ to do so.

Add New Unbounce Script

There are a few different ways to add a new script, which you’ll see if you click on Add a Script.

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Custom Code

We’d recommend sticking with Google Tag Manager for ease, but we’re going to show you how to add a custom Unbounce tracking code too.

Adding a Custom Tracking Code

Adding a custom script can be handy in some cases, such as if you want to track a Facebook Ads campaign. If you go ahead and select theĀ Custom CodeĀ option, give the new script a name, and clickĀ Add Script Details, you’ll see the page below.

Add Custom Tracking Code

There’s a lot going on in this page but this aspect of Unbounce tracking is pretty straightforward. Let’s break it down.

  • Placement. This is simply where you want the code to be placed (before or after the body tag, or in the header).
  • Included on.Ā This is the page you want to set up the tracking code for.
  • Filter Domains.Ā If you only want to use the tracking code on specific domains, enter them here.

Then below all this, you can enter the actual script that you want to use.

Adding Google Tag Manager Tracking

On the other hand, if you’re going to be adding Unbounce tracking via Google Tag Manager, you’ll have a much easier time. You don’t need to do anything with a script – just copy your tag ID from Google Tag Manager into the Container IDĀ box and clickĀ Add Script Details.

Google Tag Manager Script

After entering your tag ID you’ll see a similar page to what we saw when we chose the Custom Code option.

This time, you won’t have to input your own script and you can choose the specific pages from your domain to track. Double-check the details, click Save and Publish Script, and you’re good to go.

New Google Tag Manager Script in Unbounce

Now that you’ve got the Google Tag Manager script added, go back to theĀ Script Manager, click on the script that you added,Ā Ā and confirm that it was actually added. You should see something like this:

Google Tag Manager Script Successfully Added

Final Thoughts

You have a few options when it comes to Unbounce tracking. Sure, you could needlessly spend your time integrating tracking one page at a time. Or, you could spend your time more efficiently and use Google Tag Manager.

Either way, you’ll have a deeper understanding of why your landing pages are performing the way they are. With the data that you get, you’ll be able to run more thorough A/B tests, make changes to your landing page designs, and work towards getting your ideal conversion rate.

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